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Line charts, scatter plots and series options(线图,散点图和系列选项






$(document).ready(function(){    var plot1 = $.jqplot ('chart1', [[3,7,9,1,4,6,8,2,5]]);});



$(document).ready(function(){  var plot2 = $.jqplot ('chart1', [[3,7,9,1,4,6,8,2,5]], {      // Give the plot a title.      // 设置标题      title: 'Plot With Options',      // You can specify options for all axes on the plot at once with      // the axesDefaults object.  Here, we're using a canvas renderer      // to draw the axis label which allows rotated text.      // 设置默认坐标轴属性      axesDefaults: {        // 设置x轴y轴label的渲染器        labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer      },      // An axes object holds options for all axes.      // Allowable axes are xaxis, x2axis, yaxis, y2axis, y3axis, ...      // Up to 9 y axes are supported.      axes: {        // options for each axis are specified in seperate option objects.        xaxis: {          label: "X Axis",          // Turn off "padding".  This will allow data point to lie on the          // edges of the grid.  Default padding is 1.2 and will keep all          // points inside the bounds of the grid.          pad: 0        },        yaxis: {          label: "Y Axis"        }      }    });});




$(document).ready(function(){  // Some simple loops to build up data arrays.  var cosPoints = [];  // 获取cos(i)的值,i的间隔为0.4  for (var i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=0.4){     cosPoints.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);   }      var sinPoints = [];  // 获取sin(i)的值,i的间隔为0.4  for (var i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=0.4){      sinPoints.push([i, 2*Math.sin(i-.8)]);   }      var powPoints1 = [];   // 获取2.5+(i/4)^2的值,i的间隔为0.4  for (var i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=0.4) {       powPoints1.push([i, 2.5 + Math.pow(i/4, 2)]);   }      var powPoints2 = [];  // 获取-2.5-(i/4)^2的值,i的间隔为0.4  for (var i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=0.4) {       powPoints2.push([i, -2.5 - Math.pow(i/4, 2)]);   }    var plot3 = $.jqplot('chart1', [cosPoints, sinPoints, powPoints1, powPoints2],     {       title:'Line Style Options',       // Series options are specified as an array of objects, one object      // for each series.      // 配置要绘制的线的参数      series:[           {            // Change our line width and use a diamond shaped marker.            // 设置线宽为2px            lineWidth:2,             // 设置点的标记为空心菱形            markerOptions: { style:'dimaond' }          },           {            // Don't show a line, just show markers.            // Make the markers 7 pixels with an 'x' style            // 设置不显示线            showLine:false,             // 设置点用符号x表示,大小为7px            markerOptions: { size: 7, style:"x" }          },          {             // Use (open) circlular markers.            // 设置点的标记为空心圆            markerOptions: { style:"circle" }          },           {            // Use a thicker, 5 pixel line and 10 pixel            // filled square markers.            // 设置线宽为5px            lineWidth:5,             // 设置点的标记为实心正方形            markerOptions: { style:"filledSquare", size:10 }          }      ]    }  );});


Axis Labels and label options(坐标轴标签和标签选项)



jqPlot通过每个坐标轴的label选项配置坐标轴的标签。默认的label渲染器在div标签中创建labels。这使得在每一个label完全受CSS控制。labels被赋的css类名是""jqplot-axis_name-label",其中"axis_name"是xaxis, yaxis等。


$(document).ready(function(){  var cosPoints = [];   for (var i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=0.1){      cosPoints.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);   }   var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [cosPoints], {       // 设置不显示点的标记       series:[{showMarker:false}],      axes:{        xaxis:{          label:'Angle (radians)'        },        yaxis:{          label:'Cosine'        }      }  });});


通过包含"jqplot.canvasTextRenderer.min.js"和"jqplot.canvasAxisLabelRenderer.min.js"插件,可以直接将label文本渲染到canvas元素上。这也允许文本旋转,而且y轴上的标签会默认旋转90度。默认情况下,标签将使用Hershey字体。最新的浏览器(包括IE 9)都支持在画布元素原生文本渲染。

$(document).ready(function(){  var cosPoints = [];   for (var i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=0.1){      cosPoints.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);   }   var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart1', [cosPoints], {        series:[{showMarker:false}],      axes:{        xaxis:{          label:'Angle (radians)',          // 设置渲染器为CanvasAxisLabelRenderer          labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer        },        yaxis:{          label:'Cosine',          labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer        }      }  });});



$(document).ready(function(){  var cosPoints = [];   for (var i=0; i<2*Math.PI; i+=0.1){      cosPoints.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);   }   var plot3 = $.jqplot('chart3', [cosPoints], {        series:[{showMarker:false}],      axes:{        xaxis:{          label:'Angle (radians)',          labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,          labelOptions: {            fontFamily: 'Georgia, Serif',            fontSize: '12pt'          }        },        yaxis:{          label:'Cosine',          labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,          labelOptions: {            fontFamily: 'Georgia, Serif',            fontSize: '12pt'          }        }      }  });});


Axis Tick Labels and rotated text(坐标轴刻度标签和旋转文本)



坐标轴旋转刻度标签是可以通过"jqplot.canvasTextRenderer.min.js"和"jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer.min.js"插件实现。本地canvas字体渲染能力被用在支持的浏览器。这包括大多数最新的浏览器(包括IE 9)。在不支持原生的画布字体文本浏览器,文本使用Hershey的字体。

$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [['Cup Holder Pinion Bob', 7], ['Generic Fog Lamp', 9], ['HDTV Receiver', 15],   ['8 Track Control Module', 12], [' Sludge Pump Fourier Modulator', 3],   ['Transcender/Spice Rack', 6], ['Hair Spray Danger Indicator', 18]];   var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [line1], {    title: 'Concern vs. Occurrance',    // 选择使用柱状图渲染器    series:[{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer}],    axesDefaults: {        // 设置tick的渲染器为CanvasAxisTickRenderer        tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer ,        tickOptions: {          // 字体旋转-30度          angle: -30,          fontSize: '10pt'        }    },    axes: {      xaxis: {        renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer      }    }  });});





$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [['Cup Holder Pinion Bob', 7], ['Generic Fog Lamp', 9], ['HDTV Receiver', 15],   ['8 Track Control Module', 12], [' Sludge Pump Fourier Modulator', 3],   ['Transcender/Spice Rack', 6], ['Hair Spray Danger Indicator', 18]];  var plot1b = $.jqplot('chart1b', [line1], {    title: 'Concern vs. Occurrance',    series:[{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer}],    axesDefaults: {        tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer ,        tickOptions: {          fontFamily: 'Georgia',          fontSize: '10pt',          angle: -30        }    },    axes: {      xaxis: {        renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer      }    }  });});





$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [['Cup Holder Pinion Bob', 7], ['Generic Fog Lamp', 9], ['HDTV Receiver', 15],   ['8 Track Control Module', 12], [' Sludge Pump Fourier Modulator', 3],   ['Transcender/Spice Rack', 6], ['Hair Spray Danger Indicator', 18]];  var line2 = [['Nickle', 28], ['Aluminum', 13], ['Xenon', 54], ['Silver', 47],   ['Sulfer', 16], ['Silicon', 14], ['Vanadium', 23]];   var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [line1, line2], {    series:[{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer}, {xaxis:'x2axis', yaxis:'y2axis'}],    axesDefaults: {        tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer ,        tickOptions: {          angle: 30        }    },    axes: {      xaxis: {        renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer      },      x2axis: {        renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer      },      yaxis: {        autoscale:true      },      y2axis: {        autoscale:true      }    }  });});

可以通过指定的LabelPosition的'start', 'middle'或'end'覆盖默认的位置。默认为"auto"设置。

$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [['Cup Holder Pinion Bob', 7], ['Generic Fog Lamp', 9], ['HDTV Receiver', 15],   ['8 Track Control Module', 12], [' Sludge Pump Fourier Modulator', 3],   ['Transcender/Spice Rack', 6], ['Hair Spray Danger Indicator', 18]];  var plot3 = $.jqplot('chart1', [line1], {    title: 'Concern vs. Occurrance',    series:[{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer}],    axesDefaults: {        tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,        tickOptions: {          angle: -30        }    },    axes: {      xaxis: {        renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,        tickOptions: {          // 设置tick的label位置在中间          labelPosition: 'middle'        }      },      yaxis: {        autoscale:true,        tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,        tickOptions: {          // 设置tick的label位置在前边          labelPosition: 'start'        }      }    }  });});


AJAX, JSON data loading and external plot data functions(Ajax,JSON数据加载和外部数据绘图功能)



$(document).ready(function(){  // Our data renderer function, returns an array of the form:  // [[[x1, sin(x1)], [x2, sin(x2)], ...]]  // 自定义dataRenderer,返回一个有效数组  var sineRenderer = function() {    var data = [[]];    for (var i=0; i<13; i+=0.5) {      data[0].push([i, Math.sin(i)]);    }    return data;  };   // we have an empty data array here, but use the "dataRenderer"  // option to tell the plot to get data from our renderer.  // 使用dataRenderer生成数据,再绘制图表  var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1',[],{      title: 'Sine Data Renderer',      dataRenderer: sineRenderer  });});




$(document).ready(function(){  // Our ajax data renderer which here retrieves a text file.  // it could contact any source and pull data, however.  // The options argument isn't used in this renderer.  var ajaxDataRenderer = function(url, plot, options) {    var ret = null;    $.ajax({      // have to use synchronous here, else the function       // will return before the data is fetched      // 使用异步      async: false,      url: url,      // 数据类型是json      dataType:"json",      // AJAX成功后调用      success: function(data) {        ret = data;      }    });    return ret;  };   // The url for our json data  var jsonurl = "./jsondata.txt";   // passing in the url string as the jqPlot data argument is a handy  // shortcut for our renderer.  You could also have used the  // "dataRendererOptions" option to pass in the url.  var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart1', jsonurl,{    title: "AJAX JSON Data Renderer",    dataRenderer: ajaxDataRenderer,    dataRendererOptions: {      // 传递url参数到dataRenderer中      unusedOptionalUrl: jsonurl    }  });});


[[1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 9]]


Data point highlighting and mouse cursor tracking(数据点的高亮显示和鼠标光标跟踪




$(document).ready(function(){  var line1=[['23-May-08', 578.55], ['20-Jun-08', 566.5], ['25-Jul-08', 480.88], ['22-Aug-08', 509.84],      ['26-Sep-08', 454.13], ['24-Oct-08', 379.75], ['21-Nov-08', 303], ['26-Dec-08', 308.56],      ['23-Jan-09', 299.14], ['20-Feb-09', 346.51], ['20-Mar-09', 325.99], ['24-Apr-09', 386.15]];  var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [line1], {      title:'Data Point Highlighting',      axes:{        xaxis:{          renderer:$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,          tickOptions:{            // x轴刻度标签格式化为月日,如: May 1            formatString:'%b %#d'          }         },        yaxis:{          tickOptions:{            // y轴刻度标签格式化为带两位小数的美元数,如: $500.00            formatString:'$%.2f'            }        }      },      highlighter: {        // 是否高亮显示        show: true,        // 当鼠标移动到数据点上时,数据点扩大的增量增量        sizeAdjust: 7.5      },      cursor: {        // 是否显示光标,若为true,光标默认为十字        show: false      }  });});




$(document).ready(function(){  var line1=[['23-May-08', 578.55], ['20-Jun-08', 566.5], ['25-Jul-08', 480.88], ['22-Aug-08', 509.84],      ['26-Sep-08', 454.13], ['24-Oct-08', 379.75], ['21-Nov-08', 303], ['26-Dec-08', 308.56],      ['23-Jan-09', 299.14], ['20-Feb-09', 346.51], ['20-Mar-09', 325.99], ['24-Apr-09', 386.15]];  var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart1', [line1], {    title:'Mouse Cursor Tracking',    axes:{      xaxis:{        renderer:$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,          tickOptions:{            formatString:'%b %#d'          }      },      yaxis:{        tickOptions:{          formatString:'$%.2f'        }      }    },    highlighter: {      show: false    },    cursor: {      // 显示光标,光标默认为十字      show: true,      // 提示的位置在左下角      tooltipLocation:'sw'    }  });});


 Candlestick and Open Hi Low Close charts(蜡杆图表和美国线即OHLC图表)





$(document).ready(function(){  // Note, the ohlc data is specified below  // 其中的ohlc数据会在下面展示   var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1',[ohlc],{    // use the y2 axis on the right of the plot     //rather than the y axis on the left.    // 选择y轴为y2axis,位于图表右侧    seriesDefaults:{yaxis:'y2axis'},    axes: {      xaxis: {        renderer:$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,        tickOptions:{formatString:'%b %e'},         // For date axes, we can specify ticks options as human         // readable dates.  You should be as specific as possible,         // however, and include a date and time since some         // browser treat dates without a time as UTC and some         // treat dates without time as local time.        // Generally, if  a time is specified without a time zone,        // the browser assumes the time zone of the client.        // 用时间做x轴,min代表开始时间,max代表结束时间        min: "09-01-2008 16:00",        max: "06-22-2009 16:00",        // 每两个刻度之间的时间长度是6个周        tickInterval: "6 weeks",      },      y2axis: {        tickOptions:{formatString:'$%d'}      }    },    // 使用OHLCRenderer渲染器    series: [{renderer:$.jqplot.OHLCRenderer}],    highlighter: {      show: true,      // 不显示数据点的标记      showMarker:false,      showTooltip: true,      // 提示信息框显示数据点那个坐标轴上的值,目前有横/纵/横纵三种方式,值分别为 x, y, xy or both      tooltipAxes: 'both',      yvalues: 4,      // You can customize the tooltip format string of the highlighter      // to include any arbitrary text or html and use format string      // placeholders (%s here) to represent x and y values.      // 提示的样式定义      formatString:'
date: %s
open: %s
hi: %s
low: %s
close: %s
' } });});



$(document).ready(function(){              var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2',[ohlc],{    seriesDefaults:{yaxis:'y2axis'},    axes: {      xaxis: {        renderer:$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,        tickOptions:{formatString:'%b %e'},         min: "09-01-2008",        max: "06-22-2009",        tickInterval: "6 weeks",      },      y2axis: {        tickOptions:{formatString:'$%d'}      }    },    // To make a candle stick chart, set the "candleStick" option to true.    // 添加参数,设置为candleStick    series: [      {        renderer:$.jqplot.OHLCRenderer,         rendererOptions:{ candleStick:true }      }    ],    highlighter: {      show: true,      showMarker:false,      tooltipAxes: 'xy',      yvalues: 4,      formatString:'
date: %s
open: %s
hi: %s
low: %s
close: %s
' } });});


前面的图表使用下面的数据集。 jqPlot将解析最易读的日期格式。它始终是最安全的,但是,通过一个日期作为JavaScript时间戳要比用jqPlot解析一个任意的日期字符串更合理。

var ohlc = [  ['06/15/2009 16:00:00', 136.01, 139.5, 134.53, 139.48],  ['06/08/2009 16:00:00', 143.82, 144.56, 136.04, 136.97],  ['06/01/2009 16:00:00', 136.47, 146.4, 136, 144.67],  ['05/26/2009 16:00:00', 124.76, 135.9, 124.55, 135.81],  ['05/18/2009 16:00:00', 123.73, 129.31, 121.57, 122.5],  ['05/11/2009 16:00:00', 127.37, 130.96, 119.38, 122.42],  ['05/04/2009 16:00:00', 128.24, 133.5, 126.26, 129.19],  ['04/27/2009 16:00:00', 122.9, 127.95, 122.66, 127.24],  ['04/20/2009 16:00:00', 121.73, 127.2, 118.6, 123.9],  ['04/13/2009 16:00:00', 120.01, 124.25, 115.76, 123.42],  ['04/06/2009 16:00:00', 114.94, 120, 113.28, 119.57],  ['03/30/2009 16:00:00', 104.51, 116.13, 102.61, 115.99],  ['03/23/2009 16:00:00', 102.71, 109.98, 101.75, 106.85],  ['03/16/2009 16:00:00', 96.53, 103.48, 94.18, 101.59],  ['03/09/2009 16:00:00', 84.18, 97.2, 82.57, 95.93],  ['03/02/2009 16:00:00', 88.12, 92.77, 82.33, 85.3],  ['02/23/2009 16:00:00', 91.65, 92.92, 86.51, 89.31],  ['02/17/2009 16:00:00', 96.87, 97.04, 89, 91.2],  ['02/09/2009 16:00:00', 100, 103, 95.77, 99.16],  ['02/02/2009 16:00:00', 89.1, 100, 88.9, 99.72],  ['01/26/2009 16:00:00', 88.86, 95, 88.3, 90.13],  ['01/20/2009 16:00:00', 81.93, 90, 78.2, 88.36],  ['01/12/2009 16:00:00', 90.46, 90.99, 80.05, 82.33],  ['01/05/2009 16:00:00', 93.17, 97.17, 90.04, 90.58],  ['12/29/2008 16:00:00', 86.52, 91.04, 84.72, 90.75],  ['12/22/2008 16:00:00', 90.02, 90.03, 84.55, 85.81],  ['12/15/2008 16:00:00', 95.99, 96.48, 88.02, 90],  ['12/08/2008 16:00:00', 97.28, 103.6, 92.53, 98.27],  ['12/01/2008 16:00:00', 91.3, 96.23, 86.5, 94],  ['11/24/2008 16:00:00', 85.21, 95.25, 84.84, 92.67],  ['11/17/2008 16:00:00', 88.48, 91.58, 79.14, 82.58],      ['11/10/2008 16:00:00', 100.17, 100.4, 86.02, 90.24],  ['11/03/2008 16:00:00', 105.93, 111.79, 95.72, 98.24],  ['10/27/2008 16:00:00', 95.07, 112.19, 91.86, 107.59],  ['10/20/2008 16:00:00', 99.78, 101.25, 90.11, 96.38],  ['10/13/2008 16:00:00', 104.55, 116.4, 85.89, 97.4],  ['10/06/2008 16:00:00', 91.96, 101.5, 85, 96.8],  ['09/29/2008 16:00:00', 119.62, 119.68, 94.65, 97.07],  ['09/22/2008 16:00:00', 139.94, 140.25, 123, 128.24],  ['09/15/2008 16:00:00', 142.03, 147.69, 120.68, 140.91]];

 Pie and Donut Charts(饼状图和环形图)




$(document).ready(function(){  var data = [    ['Heavy Industry', 12],['Retail', 9], ['Light Industry', 14],     ['Out of home', 16],['Commuting', 7], ['Orientation', 9]  ];  var plot1 = jQuery.jqplot ('chart1', [data],     {       seriesDefaults: {        // Make this a pie chart.        // 设置绘制一个饼状图        renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,         rendererOptions: {          // Put data labels on the pie slices.          // By default, labels show the percentage of the slice.          // 展示饼块的数据          showDataLabels: true        }      },       // 展示图标,在图标的右侧      legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }    }  );});



$(document).ready(function(){  var data = [    ['Heavy Industry', 12],['Retail', 9], ['Light Industry', 14],     ['Out of home', 16],['Commuting', 7], ['Orientation', 9]  ];  var plot2 = jQuery.jqplot ('chart2', [data],     {      seriesDefaults: {        renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,         rendererOptions: {          // Turn off filling of slices.          // 设置不填充饼块          fill: false,          showDataLabels: true,           // Add a margin to seperate the slices.          // 饼块之间的距离为4px          sliceMargin: 4,           // stroke the slices with a little thicker line.          // 饼块的线宽为5px          lineWidth: 5        }      },       legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }    }  );});



$(document).ready(function(){  var s1 = [['a',6], ['b',8], ['c',14], ['d',20]];  var s2 = [['a', 8], ['b', 12], ['c', 6], ['d', 9]];     var plot3 = $.jqplot('chart3', [s1, s2], {    seriesDefaults: {      // make this a donut chart.      // 设置绘制一个环形图      renderer:$.jqplot.DonutRenderer,      rendererOptions:{        // Donut's can be cut into slices like pies.        // 环块之间的距离为3px        sliceMargin: 3,        // Pies and donuts can start at any arbitrary angle.        // 起始位置为-90度,x轴正方向为0度        startAngle: -90,        showDataLabels: true,        // By default, data labels show the percentage of the donut/pie.        // You can show the data 'value' or data 'label' instead.        // 可以设置在环块上显示的是数值还是标签        dataLabels: 'value'      }    }  });});


 Bar charts(柱状图)




$(document).ready(function(){    var s1 = [200, 600, 700, 1000];    var s2 = [460, -210, 690, 820];    var s3 = [-260, -440, 320, 200];    // Can specify a custom tick Array.    // Ticks should match up one for each y value (category) in the series.    // 定义x轴的刻度数组,需与数据相对应    var ticks = ['May', 'June', 'July', 'August'];         var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [s1, s2, s3], {        // The "seriesDefaults" option is an options object that will        // be applied to all series in the chart.        seriesDefaults:{            renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,            // 强制填充到0值            rendererOptions: {fillToZero: true}            // 若使用fillToValue,则可设置填充到的数值        },        // Custom labels for the series are specified with the "label"        // option on the series option.  Here a series option object        // is specified for each series.        // 设置三条数据的标识label,依次对应        series:[            {label:'Hotel'},            {label:'Event Regristration'},            {label:'Airfare'}        ],        // Show the legend and put it outside the grid, but inside the        // plot container, shrinking the grid to accomodate the legend.        // A value of "outside" would not shrink the grid and allow        // the legend to overflow the container.        legend: {            show: true,            // 设置标识在图表外,元素内(在canvas内)            placement: 'outsideGrid'        },        axes: {            // Use a category axis on the x axis and use our custom ticks.            // x轴使用CategoryAxisRenderer渲染器            xaxis: {                renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,                ticks: ticks            },            // Pad the y axis just a little so bars can get close to, but            // not touch, the grid boundaries.  1.2 is the default padding.            yaxis: {                pad: 1.05,                tickOptions: {formatString: '$%d'}            }        }    });});



$(document).ready(function(){    // For horizontal bar charts, x an y values must will be "flipped"    // from their vertical bar counterpart.    var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [        [[2,1], [4,2], [6,3], [3,4]],         [[5,1], [1,2], [3,3], [4,4]],         [[4,1], [7,2], [1,3], [2,4]]], {        seriesDefaults: {            renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,            // Show point labels to the right ('e'ast) of each bar.            // edgeTolerance of -15 allows labels flow outside the grid            // up to 15 pixels.  If they flow out more than that, they             // will be hidden.            pointLabels: { show: true, location: 'e', edgeTolerance: -15 },            // Rotate the bar shadow as if bar is lit from top right.            // 柱块的阴影角度为135度            shadowAngle: 135,            // Here's where we tell the chart it is oriented horizontally.            // 设置为水平柱状图            rendererOptions: {                barDirection: 'horizontal'            }        },        axes: {            yaxis: {                renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer            }        }    });});



$(document).ready(function(){  var s1 = [2, 6, 7, 10];  var s2 = [7, 5, 3, 4];  var s3 = [14, 9, 3, 8];  plot3 = $.jqplot('chart3', [s1, s2, s3], {    // Tell the plot to stack the bars.    stackSeries: true,    captureRightClick: true,    seriesDefaults:{      renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer,      rendererOptions: {          // Put a 30 pixel margin between bars.          // 柱之间间距为30px          barMargin: 30,          // Highlight bars when mouse button pressed.          // Disables default highlighting on mouse over.          // 当鼠标按下时,高亮          highlightMouseDown: true         },      pointLabels: {show: true}    },    axes: {      xaxis: {          renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer      },      yaxis: {        // Don't pad out the bottom of the data range.  By default,        // axes scaled as if data extended 10% above and below the        // actual range to prevent data points right on grid boundaries.        // Don't want to do that here.        // 填充,以延长数据界限以下的范围内。        // 该数据范围的底部被乘以该因子,以确定最小轴界限。         // 0值将被解释为无填充,并将padmin设置为1.0 。        padMin: 1      }    },    legend: {      show: true,      location: 'e',      placement: 'outside'    }        });  // Bind a listener to the "jqplotDataClick" event.  Here, simply change  // the text of the info3 element to show what series and ponit were  // clicked along with the data for that point.  // 绑定到"jqplotDataClick"时间  $('#chart3').bind('jqplotDataClick',     function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {      $('#info3').html('series: '+seriesIndex+', point: '+pointIndex+', data: '+data);    }  ); });


Bubble plots(气泡图)



$(document).ready(function(){     var arr = [[11, 123, 1236, "Acura"], [45, 92, 1067, "Alfa Romeo"],     [24, 104, 1176, "AM General"], [50, 23, 610, "Aston Martin Lagonda"],     [18, 17, 539, "Audi"], [7, 89, 864, "BMW"], [2, 13, 1026, "Bugatti"]];         var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1',[arr],{        title: 'Bubble Chart with Gradient Fills',        seriesDefaults:{            renderer: $.jqplot.BubbleRenderer,            rendererOptions: {                bubbleGradients: true            },            shadow: true        }    });});


数据传递到一个气泡图是一系列的[x, y, radius, <label or object>]。的数据点的可选的第四个元素可以是任一个标签字符串或具有'label'和/或'color'属性指定到气泡中的对象。



$(document).ready(function(){         var arr = [[11, 123, 1236, "Acura"], [45, 92, 1067, "Alfa Romeo"],     [24, 104, 1176, "AM General"], [50, 23, 610, "Aston Martin Lagonda"],     [18, 17, 539, "Audi"], [7, 89, 864, "BMW"], [2, 13, 1026, "Bugatti"]];         var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2',[arr],{        title: 'Transparent Bubbles',        seriesDefaults:{            renderer: $.jqplot.BubbleRenderer,            rendererOptions: {                // 气泡透明度为0.6                bubbleAlpha: 0.6,                // 高亮显示的透明度为0.8                highlightAlpha: 0.8            },            shadow: true,            // 阴影透明度为0.05            shadowAlpha: 0.05        }    });    });



$(document).ready(function(){     var arr = [[11, 123, 1236, "Acura"], [45, 92, 1067, "Alfa Romeo"],   [24, 104, 1176, "AM General"], [50, 23, 610, "Aston Martin Lagonda"],   [18, 17, 539, "Audi"], [7, 89, 864, "BMW"], [2, 13, 1026, "Bugatti"]];     var plot1b = $.jqplot('chart1b',[arr],{    title: 'Tooltip and Custom Legend Highlighting',    seriesDefaults:{      renderer: $.jqplot.BubbleRenderer,      rendererOptions: {        bubbleAlpha: 0.6,        highlightAlpha: 0.8,        showLabels: false      },      shadow: true,      shadowAlpha: 0.05    }  });     // Legend is a simple table in the html.  // Dynamically populate it with the labels from each data value.  $.each(arr, function(index, val) {    $('#legend1b').append(''+val[3]+''+val[2]+'');  });     // Now bind function to the highlight event to show the tooltip  // and highlight the row in the legend.   $('#chart1b').bind('jqplotDataHighlight',     function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data, radius) {          var chart_left = $('#chart1b').offset().left,        chart_top = $('#chart1b').offset().top,        x = plot1b.axes.xaxis.u2p(data[0]),  // convert x axis unita to pixels        y = plot1b.axes.yaxis.u2p(data[1]);  // convert y axis units to pixels      var color = 'rgb(50%,50%,100%)';      $('#tooltip1b').css({left:chart_left+x+radius+5, top:chart_top+y});      $('#tooltip1b').html('' + data[3] + '
' + 'x: ' + data[0] + '
' + 'y: ' + data[1] + '
' + 'r: ' + data[2]); $('#tooltip1b').show(); $('#legend1b tr').css('background-color', '#ffffff'); $('#legend1b tr').eq(pointIndex+1).css('background-color', color); }); // Bind a function to the unhighlight event to clean up after highlighting. $('#chart1b').bind('jqplotDataUnhighlight', function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) { $('#tooltip1b').empty(); $('#tooltip1b').hide(); $('#legend1b tr').css('background-color', '#ffffff'); });});


Date Axes(时间轴)






$(document).ready(function(){  var line1=[['2008-09-30 4:00PM',4], ['2008-10-30 4:00PM',6.5], ['2008-11-30 4:00PM',5.7], ['2008-12-30 4:00PM',9], ['2009-01-30 4:00PM',8.2]];  var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [line1], {    title:'Default Date Axis',    axes:{xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer}},    series:[{lineWidth:4, markerOptions:{style:'square'}}]  });});




$(document).ready(function(){  var line1=[['2008-06-30 8:00AM',4], ['2008-7-30 8:00AM',6.5], ['2008-8-30 8:00AM',5.7], ['2008-9-30 8:00AM',9], ['2008-10-30 8:00AM',8.2]];  var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [line1], {      title:'Customized Date Axis',       gridPadding:{right:35},      axes:{        xaxis:{          renderer:$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,           tickOptions:{formatString:'%b %#d, %y'},          min:'May 30, 2008',           tickInterval:'1 month'        }      },      series:[{lineWidth:4, markerOptions:{style:'square'}}]  });});


Data Point Labels(数据点标签



pointLabels插件放置在图上标记的数据点的位置。 标签可以使用一系列的数据数组或一个单独的标签数组。如果使用的序列数据,该数据点中的最后一个值是默认用作标签。

$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [14, 32, 41, 44, 40, 47, 53, 67];  var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [line1], {      title: 'Chart with Point Labels',       seriesDefaults: {         showMarker:false,        pointLabels: { show:true }       }  });});



$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [[-12, 7, null], [-3, 14, null], [2, -1, '(low)'],       [7, -1, '(low)'], [11, 11, null], [13, -1, '(low)']];  var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [line1], {    title: 'Point Labels From Extra Series Data',     seriesDefaults: {      showMarker:false,       pointLabels:{ show:true, location:'s', ypadding:3 }    },    axes:{ yaxis:{ pad: 1.3 } }  });});





$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [14, 32, 41, 44, 40];  var plot3 = $.jqplot('chart3', [line1], {    title: 'Bar Chart with Point Labels',     seriesDefaults: {renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer},    series:[     {pointLabels:{        show: true,        labels:['fourteen', 'thirty two', 'fourty one', 'fourty four', 'fourty']      }}],    axes: {      xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer},      yaxis:{padMax:1.3}}  });});


点标签可以用在堆积柱状图。如果没有指定标签的数组,它们将使用图表数据。值可以分别为每个系列显示(stackedValue选项设置为false,默认值),或者可以显示所有系列的累积值( stackedValue选项为true )。


$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [14, 32, 41, 44, 40, 37, 29];  var line2 = [7, 12, 15, 17, 20, 27, 39];  var plot4 = $.jqplot('chart4', [line1, line2], {      title: 'Stacked Bar Chart with Cumulative Point Labels',       stackSeries: true,       seriesDefaults: {          renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,          rendererOptions:{barMargin: 25},           pointLabels:{show:true, stackedValue: true}      },      axes: {          xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer}      }  });});



$(document).ready(function(){  var line1 = [14, 32, 41, 44, 40, 47, 53, 67];  var plot5 = $.jqplot('chart5', [line1], {      title: 'Chart with Point Labels',       seriesDefaults: {        showMarker:false,        pointLabels: {          show: true,          edgeTolerance: 5        }},      axes:{        xaxis:{min:3}      }  });})

Plot Zooming(图表缩放)










$(document).ready(function(){  var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [goog], {       title: 'Google, Inc.',       series: [{           label: 'Google, Inc.',           neighborThreshold: -1       }],       axes: {           xaxis: {               renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,              min:'August 1, 2007 16:00:00',               tickInterval: '4 months',               tickOptions:{formatString:'%Y/%#m/%#d'}           },           yaxis: {               tickOptions:{formatString:'$%.2f'}           }       },       cursor:{         show: true,        zoom:true,         showTooltip:false      }   });   $('.button-reset').click(function() { plot1.resetZoom() });});




$(document).ready(function(){  var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [InPr, OutPr, ERPM], {       title:'Plot with Zooming and 3 Y Axes',       seriesDefaults: {showMarker:false},       series:[          {},          {yaxis:'y2axis'},           {yaxis:'y3axis'}      ],       cursor: {        show: true,        tooltipLocation:'sw',         zoom:true      },       axesDefaults:{useSeriesColor: true},       axes:{          xaxis:{min:0, max:1600},           yaxis:{min:0, max:600},            y2axis:{              min:1000,               max:2000,               numberTicks:9,               tickOptions:{showGridline:false}          },           y3axis:{}      }   });});





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